Quote request

Ready to book Studio Shapes for your next project? Get a personalized quote by filling out our online form. Whether it's for renting our photo studio, showroom, or for any other service, we provide you with a quick and detailed estimate. Indicate your specific needs and let our team offer you a tailored solution. Plan your booking now with Studio Shapes!

frequently asked questions

How to rent the Shapes Studio ?

Renting the Studio Shapes is simple and quick thanks to a digitized process. You can manage your availability request, sign the quote, and handle billing directly online. This system ensures a smooth experience, with optimal tracking and no hassle.

What types of projects can I create at Studio Shapes?

Is the studio accessible by public transport?

Do you offer catering services?

Do you have a workspace?

Are our animal friends allowed?

How to rent the Shapes Studio ?

Renting the Studio Shapes is simple and quick thanks to a digitized process. You can manage your availability request, sign the quote, and handle billing directly online. This system ensures a smooth experience, with optimal tracking and no hassle.

What types of projects can I create at Studio Shapes?

Is the studio accessible by public transport?

Do you offer catering services?

Do you have a workspace?

Are our animal friends allowed?